Figmentgames Driver

fantasyNOUN (pl.fantasies) 1) the imagining of improbable or impossible things. 2) an idea with no basis in reality. 3) a genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure.
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ORIGIN Greek phantasia 'imagination, appearance' , from phantazein 'make visible' .

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  • Fantasy — (von engl. fantasy „Phantasie“) ist ein Genre der Phantastik, dessen Wurzeln sich in der Mythologie und den Sagen finden. Ähnlich wie die benachbarten Genres Science Fiction und Horror, findet Fantasy ihre wichtigsten Ausprägungen in Literatur… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fantasy — is a genre that uses magic and other supernatural forms as a primary element of plot, theme, and/or setting. Fantasy is generally distinguished from science fiction and horror by the expectation that it steers clear of technological and macabre… … Wikipedia

  • Fantasy F1 — is a game in which the participants assemble a collection of real life Formula One drivers and score points based on those drivers actual statistical performance during the F1 season.The idea for this game arose out of the success of Fantasy… … Wikipedia

  • fantasy — fantasy, phantasy 1. The OED, echoed by Fowler (1926), tried to assert a distinction between these two spellings, the first reflecting the Greek spelling and the second the more immediate French source of the word, ‘the predominant sense of the… … Modern English usage

  • Fantasy 5 — Fantasy 5, Cash 5, Pick 5, etc. are names of lottery games in the United States where five regular numbers are drawn from one set of numbers; in a few cases, a sixth number is picked from the same number pool, but it does not apply to the… … Wikipedia

  • fantasy — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}[wym. fantazy] {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż ndm {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} gatunek literacki lub filmowy opisujący wydarzenia w odległej, bliżej nieokreślonej przeszłości, w baśniowej scenerii : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Książki, filmy fantasy … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Fantasy — Fantasy британская рок группа. Fantasy российская поп группа. Фэнтези вид фантастической литературы. Fantasy никнейм Чон Мён Хун, корейского профессионального игрока в Starcraft … Википедия

  • Fantasy — Fan ta*sy, v. t. To have a fancy for; to be pleased with; to like; to fancy. [Obs.] Cavendish. [1913 Webster] Which he doth most fantasy. Robynson (More s Utopia). [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fantasy — Fan ta*sy, n.; pl. {Fantasies}. [See {Fancy}.] 1. Fancy; imagination; especially, a whimsical or fanciful conception; a vagary of the imagination; whim; caprice; humor. [1913 Webster] Is not this something more than fantasy ? Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fantasy — [fant′ə sē, fant′əzē] n. pl. fantasies [ME fantasie < OFr < L phantasia, idea, notion < Gr, appearance of a thing < phainein, to show, appear < IE base * bhā , to gleam, shine > OE bonian, to ornament] 1. imagination or fancy;… … English World dictionary

  • fantasy — index fiction, figment, myth, story (falsehood), vision (dream) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary